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Bánó Gregor
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Kelemen Lóránd
Single cell optical manipulation with deformable microtools -
Aug 29 - kedd
11:00 – 11:15
Modern biofizikai módszerek
Single cell optical manipulation with deformable microtools
Lóránd Kelemen1, Gaszton Vizsnyiczai1, Tamás Gergely Iványi1, Botond Nemes1, Jana Kubackova2, Zoltán Tomori2and Gregor Bánó3
1 Biological Research Centre, Institute of Biophysics
2 Slovakian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Experimental Physics, Kosice, Slovakia
3 Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Department of Biophysics, Kosice, Slovakia
Task-specific microstructures can efficiently and versatilely support single cell research helping their actuation, deformation or even culturing. The ability to move and deform these microstructures provides an even broader spectrum of interaction with the cells. On the other hand, optical tweezers have already proven to be successful to operate such microtools with precise spatial and temporal control [1]. Here, we introduce a family of deformable microtools made by laser microfabrication and demonstrate their applicability in the manipulation of non-adherent mammalian cells. The tools are operated with optical tweezers via specific elastic elements incorporated to the otherwise rigid structure. The deformability enables them to take hold, carry and rotate the cells with the added benefit of being able to release them after their task is fulfilled. The achievable cell manipulation schemes are demonstrated with three types of structures. The first one selectively collects the cells in a suspension and transports them with minimal mechanical influence to a pre-defined location. The second one enables the precise microscopic observation of free-floating cells from any direction by holding them more firmly thus minimizing their fluctuation. The third system is shown to initiate spatio-temporally controlled cell-cell interaction applying a pair of microtools: one mounts the cell firmly to the substrate while the other carries a second cell and makes a contact between them. The elasticity of the presented microtools makes them applicable in a broad range of tasks in a microfluidic environment beyond single cell manipulation.
The work was supported by the Hungarian Academies of Sciences (NKM-53/2021), the Slovak Research and Development Agency APVV-21-0333 and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (FK-138520).
[1] Vizsnyiczai G, Búzás A, Aekbote BL, et al., (2020) Biomedical Optics Express 11:945-962